Merchants - acceptors

Since payment card use in Serbia is increasing with every day, it is very important for merchants to enable payment card acceptance at their points of sale in time.

If you are a merchant and interested in accepting DinaCard payment cards, contact your bank to sign an agreement on accepting cards.

By enabling the use of DinaCard payment cards in your point of sale you are opening new opportunities for increasing sales volume, having in mind that over 4.5 million DinaCard payment cards have been issued so far. Research has shown that citizens have a habit of spending more money when paying with “plastic” than when using cash, which is favourable for your profit. Namely, card holders are neither limited by the amount in their wallet at the moment of purchase, nor do they need to go to an ATM to withdraw money. Accepting cards reduces your expenses and saves time required for handling cash, and largely improves your service to buyers. At cash registers, neither merchants nor buyers have to bother with looking for change anymore, so customary here in everyday purchases. Furthermore, possibility for errors when returning change has been reduced, since the exact amount of money is charged to your account, so there is no need for change.

Accepting DinaCard cards

The bank you cooperate with in accepting DinaCard payment cards is obligated to inform you of and train you in every detail related to accepting DinaCard payment cards. Below you can find information about the key steps you need to follow when accepting DinaCard payment cards.

Visual verification of the physical appearance of the card and the signature on the back. Visual card verification entails verification of both the front and the back side of the card. If you notice anything suspicious during visual verification, contact your authorisation centre, explain the problem and proceed in accordance with the instructions of the operator. This phone verification needs to be done discreetly, without the cardholder’s knowledge, if possible.

Upon successful visual verification, the card is slid through the POS terminal, or inserted where appropriate if it is a chip card; the amount is entered, the cardholder enters his PIN code (for chip cards) and waits for the response (there is no need to enter the amount if the POS terminal is connected to the cash register, as the payment amount is automatically transmitted in that case).

If the transaction is approved, two slips (receipts) are printed. Otherwise, you need to read the instructions on the POS terminal and act accordingly.

As for cards with the magnetic strip, one slip is given to the cardholder for signing and the signature is then compared to the one on the back of the card. The two must match. The retailer keeps the signed copy of the slip, and the other copy is given to the cardholder together with the card (there is no need to sign the slip if the payment is made using a chip card, where the cardholder enters his PIN code at the POS terminal).

In case of the mPOS system, if it’s not possible to print the slip, a copy of the slip can be delivered to the cardholder electronically.

DinaCard interchange fees

Since the interchange fee is the amount paid by the acquiring bank to the card issuing bank for every effected transaction, it is significant for merchants as it is integrated in the merchant fee. Though merchant fee depends on other factors too, lower interchange fees contribute to lower merchant fees as well – i.e. the fee paid by merchants to the acquiring bank for every payment card transaction in their point of sale.

DinaCard interchange fees equal 0.2% and 0.3% of the transaction amount for debit cards and credit cards, respectively. Business DinaCard interchange fee cannot exceed 0.83% of the transaction amount and it is the lowest interchange fee in the domestic market.

In case of some types of merchants lower interchange fees were set for business cards:

  • gas stations – 0.3%
  • payments to the public administration – 0.4%